REGISTERED Acupuncture & TCM Herbal Medicine
We Accept Insurance and Direct Billing.
We Accept Insurance and Direct Billing.
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Robert Tan is an experienced Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner with 12 years of clinical experience in Canada and China. He has lectured at the Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as at several colleges in Toronto.
We specialize in acupuncture and herbal treatment for a variety of issues. Some of the conditions we have treated include various types of pain, arthritis, allergies, anxiety/depression, constipation, digestive disorders, insomnia, PCOS, endometriosis, irregular menstruation, long Covid symptoms, TMJ, labour induction in pregnancy, and more.
Newmarket Acupuncture is a home clinic located near Mulock and Leslie in Newmarket. We are fluent in English and Mandarin. We also offer flexible appointment booking times (please call to inquire about evening and weekend appointments).
We can submit direct billing claims with most insurers, including Sunlife, Manulife, Canada Life, Blue Cross, ClaimSecure, Desjardins, and more.
We are one of the only clinics in Newmarket offering treatments customized to your symptoms using raw herbs. We stock over 100 different herbs for a variety of conditions.